CopyAI - the AI-powered copywriting tool that helps you write persuasive marketing copy in 60 seconds or less!
- by Admin

When was the last time you wrote a persuasive email sales letter? You know, the kind of email subscribers immediately buy what you are selling?
A bad email may leave a bad taste with your subscribers. They might just click away or worse still, report your email as spam.
If this is your email copywriting skill, you should learn how to write convincing sales copy. Here is a software that could help you effortlessly write persuasive marketing copy.
Before I jump into how to use this software, let me explain some copywriting techniques or formulas.
Let’s go over them in the next paragraph.
(Email) Copywriting Formulas
What do you understand by these acronyms: PAS, BAB, AIDA and PPPP?
For seasoned copywriters you may have known them or even used them in your copywriting.
These are some copywriting techniques used widely by professional copywriters as well as amateurs like me!
Problem-Agitate-Solution (PAS)
Before-After-Bridge (BAB)
Attention-Interest-Desire-Action (AIDA)
Problem-Promise-Proof-Proposal (PPPP)
Fortunately, for all those who are not so copywriting savvy, CopyAI can help them come up with good marketing copy for emails, advertisements, social media, blog content and product descriptions in seconds.
Don’t believe it?
Let me show you some of the sales copy with real life examples, written using this AI (artificial intelligence) powered copywriting software.
First is the Problem-Agitate-Solution copywriting example.
Sales copy created using AI
PAS (Problem-Agitate-Solution) Example
This is an example of email sales copy we generated using AI.
Reading on a bright screen can be painful. Bright lights not only strain your eyes, they make reading a chore.
Most people find it hard to read bright screen when they work at night. Not many people can work properly with bright lout screen during the daytime. It’s not only you or I who find reading a bright screen difficult.
We found many professionals, mostly designers, developers and writers prefer to use the dark theme as it preserves their eyesight and creates an enjoyable reading experience.
Darklup plugin for WordPress helps you build beautiful dark themes for your website using only native WordPress features. It is clean, lightweight, powerful premium plugin that will help you improve the usability of your site for users with low vision and those who are sensitive to bright light.
How does this PAS example come about?
We were trying to write a sales copy for the launch of Darklup dark mode plugin for WordPress, which is currently offering up to 50% discount on their lifetime deal.
Analysis of the PAS technique
First, we lay out the Problem that the bright screen of a website is not only a strain to the eyes, it also makes it difficult for visitors to read the text of the website.
Look at Step 1 below.
Problem: Reading on a bright screen can be painful. Bright lights not only strain your eyes, they make reading a chore.
We then Agitate the pain point raised in Step 1 by saying most people find it hard to read on a bright screen during the night. Then we further hinted many professionals are preferring a dark mode. Step 2 below.
Agitate: Most people find it hard to read bright screen when they work at night. Not many people can work properly with bright lout screen during the daytime. It’s not only you or I who find reading a bright screen difficult.
We found many professionals, mostly designers, developers and writers prefer to use the dark theme as it preserves their eyesight and creates an enjoyable reading experience.
In Step 3, we offer a Solution to the Problem.
Solution: Darklup plugin for WordPress helps you build beautiful dark themes for your website using only native WordPress features. It is clean, lightweight, powerful premium plugin that will help you improve the usability of your site for users with low vision and those who are sensitive to bright light.
So you can see the flow from raising a problem to further agitating the pain point and finally providing a solution.
Why is Problem-Agitate-Solution so powerful?
This copywriting formula has been used so many times, over and over again, and there’s no stopping of it.
Psychologically, all humans want to avoid pain and always try to alleviate discomfort at all costs.
When you have a headache, you would want a pain killer immediately, right?
So your main job as a copywriter is to motivate your audience to avoid pain when making a decision, by adopting your offered solution.
Now you see how this PAS formula is a powerful method to write a persuasive sales copy.
And you too could achieve that by using CopyAI, a new copywriting tool based on artificial intelligence.
BAB (Before-After-Bridge) Example
Read this sales copy written by CopyAI for the same Darklup plugin, but deploying a different copywriting formula.
People who work in front of computers for long hours often face eye strain due to flashing ads and extremely bright website backgrounds.
Darklup WordPress Plugin automatically turns on the dark mode (the black color) for your blog/website whenever it is evening, night time or if the user has designated the color scheme as Night Mode.
This plugin is not only beneficial to your visitors, but also to you. It prevents your website or blog from losing prominent positions in search engine results because of a higher bounce rate caused by eye strain.
The above sales copy is using the Before-After-Bridge formula, which we shall analyze below.
Analysis of the BAB formula
In simple words,
Before – Here’s your current situation… The bad scenario
After – Here’s what you expect… The promised land
Bridge – Here’s the bridge between the two worlds… The Yellow Brick Road
Before: People who work in front of computers for long hours often face eye strain due to flashing ads and extremely bright website backgrounds.
After: Darklup WordPress Plugin automatically turns on the dark mode (the black color) for your blog/website whenever it is evening, night time or if the user has designated the color scheme as Night Mode.
Bridge: This plugin is not only beneficial to your visitors, but also to you. It prevents your website or blog from losing prominent positions in search engine results because of a higher bounce rate caused by eye strain.
Why does the BAB technique work?
Behavioural psychologists believe that we are all motivated by pleasure and pain, when faced with a decision process.
This copywriting formula works great because it forces you to focus on the benefits of your product or service.
PPPP (Problem-Promise-Proof-Proposal) for ClosersCopy
We were writing an email copy for a lifetime deal on long form copywriting software [Note: CopyAI focuses mainly on short form copywriting].
The cloud-based software is called ClosersCopy.
The following short paragraphs are generated by using CopyAI, except the testimonial part which is written by a real user of ClosersCopy.
You can’t possibly think of every single one of the PowerPhrases that will make people buy your offer.
ClosersCopy will help you generate more sales by giving you access to an ever growing, proven and tried-and-tested sales copy templates.

So click on the link below, and take the next step towards mastering sales and having a larger audience for your offers!
Analysis of the 4P (Problem-Promise-Proof-Proposal) method
This 4P method of copywriting can be used to write full page copy for a landing page or homepage.
Neil Patel wrote this version of his homepage using this method, as he described it here.

Copywriting formulas are simple, but can be very effective.
You can learn to write better without being an expert copywriter or spending a lot of time writing and editing.
It’s all about sticking to the basics and using proven methods.
Start with a formula and build from there with the help of AI-powered copywriting software will save you hours of time and effort.
In our own example of ClosersCopy, we wrote 3 short paragraphs with the help of CopyAI and used an actual testimonial in the Proof section.
Problem: You can’t possibly think of every single one of the PowerPhrases that will make people buy your offer.
Promise: ClosersCopy will help you generate more sales by giving you access to an ever growing, proven and tried-and-tested sales copy templates
Proof: Testimonial by a happy customer, Kody Bunnel
Proposal: So click on the link below, and take the next step towards mastering sales and having a larger audience for your offers!
AIDA (Attention-Interest-Desire-Action) for ExactVisitor
This AIDA copywriting formula is fairly popular among content writers and is easy to understand.
ExactVisitor is a SaaS which uses visitor tracking technology to identify leads to a website. It is currently offering a lifetime deal here.
We provide you with the following example of AIDA, written by CopyAI.
Know exactly who visited your website and qualified for your offer!!!
How many times have you missed leads because they have not filled out your contact form?
With ExactVisitor, you will know for sure precisely who has been to your website, and qualified for your offer.
By knowing exactly who is interested in your products or services, you can:
- a) Focus on what the clients are interested in, not trying to think of what you think they want!
- b) You can stop wasting time saying “Hi Nice to meet you” and instead show them how your solution will solve all their problems.
Sign up today at
How is the AIDA model applied?
The steps of using AIDA formula are:-
- Jog the ATTENTION out of readers and hook them
- Arouse their INTEREST in them to continue reading
- Catch their heart so they DESIRE what you’re offering
- Finish it by calling the readers to take ACTION
Attention: Know exactly who visited your website and qualified for your offer!!!
Interest: How many times have you missed leads because they have not filled out your contact form? With ExactVisitor, you will know for sure precisely who has been to your website, and qualified for your offer.
Desire: By knowing exactly who is interested in your products or services, you can:
- a) Focus on what the clients are interested in, not trying to think of what you think they want!
- b) You can stop wasting time saying “Hi Nice to meet you” and instead show them how your solution will solve all their problems.
Action: Sign up today at
How to generate these sales copy using AI?
These sales copies were generated using the brilliant AI-powered CopyAI.
This AI writer can generate all these short form marketing copy in less than 60 seconds.
At the time of writing you can grab the CopyAI deal from below.
Select “Sales Copy” Tool
When you log in you’re presented with a range of tools the AI copywriter can help you with.
From the left hand drop-down menu of “Select a tool“, go to “Sales Copy“.
Choose a copywriting formula you want to use.

For example, click the “Pain-Agitate-Solution” tool. This opens up the “Playground” where you can play magic.
Generate the sales copy by filling the form on “Product/Brand Name (Optional)” and “Describe Your Product”. and click the “Create” button.
How to get better results
From our experience, you get better results by putting the actual Product/Brand Name and it is recommended to put the exact url of the product or brand.
Describe your product in simple language in one or two sentences.

Click “Create” Button
When you hit the “Create” button, you’ll need to wait for less than 60 seconds before getting a couple of generated results.

Find your favorite results and edit them until you love them.
If you’re not happy on any of the results, either you can generate more via the “Make More” buttons on the right-hand side or at the very bottom.
Of course, you can save your results by clicking the heart icon.
You can also copy the results by clicking the copy icon.
It takes very little time to generate the results.

We have used AI to write generate content in the above email copywriting examples.
Using CopyAI to generate sales copy is only one of the many benefits of this AI writer.
You can use it to generate the following marketing copy at lightning speed.
- Product Descriptions
- Product Descriptions
- Social Ads
- Facebook Primary Text
- Facebook Headlines
- Facebook Link Descriptions
- Google Headlines
- Google Descriptions
- Instagram Product Showcase
- Instagram Captions
- LinkedIn Text Ads
- Website Copy
- Landing Page Hero Text
- Subheader Text
- Blog Ideas
- Blog Intros
- Blog Outline
- Listicles
- Microcopy
- Meta Descriptions
- Email/Letter
- Catchy Email Subject Lines
- Confirmation Emails
- Thank You Note
- Social Media Content Creation
- Launch Your Product
- Short Text Hook
- Carousel Post
- Captions
- Video Intro Hook
- Relatable Experiences
- Brainstorm Topics
- Product Showcase
- Bullet Points
- Call to Action
- Youtube Description Intro
- Keyword Generator
- Sales Copy
- Pain-Agitate-Solution
- AIDA Copywriting
- Before-After-Bridge
- Feature-Advantage-Benefit
- Problem-Promise-Proof-Proposal
- Feature to Benefit
- Marketing Angles
- Writing Tools
- Change Tone
- Simplify Sentence
- Essay Outline
- Essay IntroVerb Booster
- Adjective Accelerator
- Brainstorming Tools
- Viral Ideas
- Growth Ideas
- Next Product
- Name Generator
- Startup Ideas
- Personal Tools
- Cover Letter
- Resume Bullet Points
- Valentine’s Day Card
- Birthday Cards
- Clubhouse Bio
If you purchase it, you’ll arm yourself with a very, very powerful AI copywriting tool to generate email content, social media content & ads, sales copy, website copy, product descriptions, blog intros, blog intros, video ideas, blog outlines, blog ideas and even meta descriptions.
Want to learn more about this tool? Check out the deal now by clicking the button below. Remember to use coupon code DOWNLOADSILO to get 40% off.